Custom Orcs |
Hello all,
Here is my latest custom, it is another 'pale' Orc, he's the tank of the group. I went for a more 'savage' look with this one, adding more bones as decoration. This is one of the first times I have attempted to add articulation to a figure, I think it came out ok, but in future I will try harder to 'hide' the seams.
Custom Orc |
Savage Orc |
Apart from that I wanted to show some more pictures of Alatar and Pallando, fighting some Haradrim and Easterlings.
Pallando with new staff |
I also included an eastern 'hero' to go with Pallando. I think that like Gandalf, the Blue wizards would have recruited heroes for their quests. I may add some more later, I think I may use more 'stand ins' like this Hogun. I'm also thinking of using some figures from the prince of Persia line. You can also see some more Marvel universe and Indiana Jones figures to represent 3 3/4" Haradrim and Easterlings.
Pallando |