Friday 1 February 2013

Behind the Times: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Hello all and Happy (belated) New Year!

First thing first: my customs have been posted at the Hobbit Central, go an check out their site it's awesome and it has a lot of cool news especially about upcoming bridge direct figures. Thanks guys for putting up my work!

Second thing: Currently working on some more Dwarf and Orc customs: they should be up by next week

If it's your first time here I suggest checking out the customs section and go over and check out Dr Syn's Blog The Smuggling Cove there are some awesome Hobbit customs there too as well as some cool G.I.Joe Stuff!

On to the review:

I have officially now watched The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey three times! Each time in 2D and I found that very interesting, because every person I watched it with preferred to watch it in that way! I did want to check it out in 3D in the 48 fps, but I’m not really a big fan of 3D anyway, maybe for the Desolation of Smaug.  Apart from the Likes and Dislikes section, I have added two other sections ‘predictions’ and ‘Toys I want’. But more on that later, I found the film very entertaining and the changes in these films did not bother me anywhere near as much as those made to the Lord of the Rings, I wonder if this will remain the same for the other two films. On to the Likes and Dislikes!


- The inclusion of chapter titles straight from the text
-The mention of the Blue Wizards, though I would have thought Gandalf would remember their names!
-Radagast was great! For years I’ve been  wanting to see him on film, I always thought he might make an appearance in the LOTR films. I think he crossed his eyes one too many times and he really could have gone without the bird poo on his face!
-I really enjoyed the white council scenes except for the fact that  Galadriel seemed to outrank Saruman, which I found weird as he’s a Maia and she’s an elf, a Valinor elf, but an elf none the less. I thought Saruman was overshadowed a little too much after all he was the leader of the group. I really hope that the next film shows the white council clearing out the Fortress at Dol Guldur sending Sauron to Mordor. It would have been good to see Cirdan and Celeborn but this would have extended the scene too much. What about Elrond’s sons?
-I enjoyed the difference between the Goblins Goblin town and the Moria Orcs/Goblins? I’m still not sure where they are from!
-The flashbacks were awesome! I’ve wanted to see epic Orc vs Dwarf Battle since I was a kid! Not to mention the Great Kingdom of Erebor and the coming of Smaug, of all the scenes in the film these are the ones I wanted to see over and over again.
- I really liked the Design of the Dwarves,  except for Thorin, a Dwarf of his status needs a better beard. It really served as a way to differentiate otherwise identical characters, not to mention the comedic elements presented by Ori,  Oin and Bifur.
-I liked the Green Wood (Mirkwood) Elves, and while I loved the armour and helmets, I couldn’t help but think that they were wood elves and they would be more lightly armed, then again they were marching to war. and what’s up with Thranduil’s eyebrows!?
- Ian McKellen as Gandalf is awesome and I’m so glad he decided to return to the cast, but the real stand out is Martin Freeman’s Bilbo. Riddles in the Dark was an awesome scene!
-The appearance of Figwit as Lindir. I love the Flight of the Conchords!
-I liked the inclusion of Songs from the text, they did it well without turning the film into a musical, especially with the Goblin King


-The battle of Azanulbizar was awesome! But I would love to have seen Dain Ironfoot there as well as having the other Dwarf kingdoms represented.
-The fact that Thrain’s story wasn’t explored or mention in depth. Gandalf found him in Dol Guldur a prisoner of the Necromancer. Maybe in the second film? Though I don’t see how as Radagast has had the first encounter with the Necromancer.
-The discussion of the Grave of Angmar, I’m not sure Angmar was ever killed, that’s why there’s a prophesy as to how he’ll be defeated.
-I’m not sure about Azog, wouldn’t Bolg  seeking revenge have been just as effective? Also was Bolg in the battle of Azannulbizar? I’m sure I saw him at least two out of the three times I watched the film
-I’m glad Azog comes from Moria and not Dol Guldur as I had earlier guessed. But I am confused as to what he is meant to be, an Orc or a Goblin? He is called the ‘Pale Orc’. But what about his followers? Are they Orcs or Goblins? And if they are Goblins why do they look so different to the Moria Goblins in LOTR? The Wargs were cool, but I actually liked the LOTR ‘Hyena’ Wargs! I think I need to get my hand on that ‘Hobbit chronicles’ book.

All in all I think the film was amazing, anyone comparing it to The Phantom Menace is flat out wrong, I am very much looking forward to the other two, but I fear that they may depart a lot from the source material.

I give it 4/5 Behind the times!


I just wanted to leave a note on things that I think will happen in The Desolation of Smaug and There and back again.

1. I don’t think Smaug will be killed in the Desolation of Smaug, I think that film will end with Bilbo’s encounter with Smaug, There and back again will start with Smaug’s attack on Laketown.
2. Just an opinion, Legolas featuring in the second and third film makes sense, he is Thranduil’s son, I just hope that he doesn’t overshadow the other characters!
3. I’m guessing we won’t actually be seeing Bolg again, he was in the first film, very briefly. I think that’s it for him, there really isn’t any need for him if his father’s still alive!
4. If they feature the attack on Dol Guldur, I’m sure it’ll be in the second film, that’s when Gandalf disappears again.
4. I can’t wait for Beorn!
5. I don’t think the spiders will talk, however, we did get the talking Trolls so who knows?

Toys I want from the film (in order of Preference)
3 ¾” scale

Dwarf armoured warrior from Prologue and Flashbacks
Armoured  Green Wood Elf from Flashbacks (could be in a two pack with the Dwarf?)
Balin and Dwalin from Flashback
Thranduil on the Stag
Imladris elf on horse
Elrond in armour on horse
Soldiers from Dale (Prologue)
More army builder Orcs and Goblins

From the news that are coming from Toy fair UK it seems that we will be getting the remainder or the Dwarves as well as Azog and his wolf and Radagast.

1 comment:

  1. I'd put the film behind Fellowship but above Two Towers and Return of the King.

    I could have done without the Frodo prologue. Freeman is the prefect choice to channel Sir Ian Holm's Bilbo, and he does it effortlessly.

    Not to sure on the Azog thing, considering he isn't doing anything Bolg couldn't do. he did remind me of a World of Warcraft Orc for some reason, but he's not bad visually for a last minute addition (however that worked).

    And the 7th Doctor as Radagast was ingenious. Funny how we're getting a figure of him, we've got a 9th Doctor in the form of SDCC Destro and they're doing 4inch Dr Who this year with the 11th and his newest companion. They'll all have to meet in the Tardis.
